These huge pastel lavender blooms are a captivating mix of lavender tones, ranging from soft pastels to deeper shades, with delicate hints of cloud pink throughout. The plant is strong and stocky at 3 ½
This little cutie is an unusual colour and really caught my eye this year. A keeper! 1.5-2” ball with deep reddish pink tips fading to a pale yellow towards the centre, creating a soft gorgeous very useful dahlia!!
This dreamy waterlily dahlia is a masterpiece. 5" - 7"Lovely yellow centre radiates out to a light pink/orange waterlily. Stunning in a bouquet or in the garden.
Plants are smothered in long-stemmed flowers all season long. Blooms are both weather resistant & long lasting in the vase. Layers of creamy petals, streaked with cranberry encircle a large, fluffy golden centre. No two flowers are the same. Polka starts out as a blush bloom, before it develops the signature yellow heart with fine lining. Truly one-of-a kind and a favourite of mine.