Snapdragon ‘Apple Blossom’


(Antirrhinum majus) Shades of soft rose with creamy white – love these snapdragons in the gardens – edible too!  Blooming from June through September, these strong stems are fabulous for bouquets often lasting well over a week in a vase. The more you harvest, the more you’ll have to harvest!
Snapdragons thrive in gardens, raised beds or containers.
open pollinated and organically grown


Half Hardy Annual, Size: 1.5-2.5′ h x 1′ w,  Full sun to partial shade,  Rich, well-drained soil, Spring to fall, Seed to Bloom: 12-14 weeks

Chill seed 2 days in refrigerator before sowing. Sow thinly on surface and lightly press in, as they require light to germinate.(5-14 days)
Start in containers (or soil blocks) 8-10 weeks before last spring frost. Keep at about 60-70°F.  (recommended)  Water from below by setting containers in a tray. Can be planted out before last frost after hardening off or if you are brave they can be started in late fall to overwinter in Zone 5+ but I have not tried that with this variety.

Starting Outdoors: (not recommended) Sow 1-2 weeks before last frost for late summer to fall bloom.

Pinch when setting out to promote bushy growth and stake early to support the tall flower-filled stems.  Shear to 6″ after the first flush of bloom and fertilize for renewed flowering. Final Spacing: 9-12″
Fertilize with an organically sourced water-soluble fertilizer once per month.

May self-sow. Pollination leads to bloom drop so for longer lasting flowers harvest just as the first bottom flower opens.

approx 100+ seeds


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