Dahlia Collection
Showing 73–84 of 101 results

Dahlia ‘Peaches ‘n Cream’
PNC (Peaches 'n Cream) The ONE everyone wants!
A truly exquisite soft salmon fading to white at the tips. The effect is absolutely stunning and makes it one of the most popular varieties.4" blooms, plant 4'
Floret Library

Dahlia ‘Pinelands Princess’
short video of laciniated varieties (Pinelands Princess is the strawberry coloured one)
The romantic beauty of a fringed fimbriata or laciniated dahlia is perfectly illustrated by the soft tones of Pinelands Princess. The double bi-colour blooms have a deep creamy centre, and fine pointed petals are tipped with delicate pink.Some can be slightly darker.
Introduced from South Africa, these 5-6" blooms are a pink lavender that blends to white in the centre. Very full and lacy flowers grow on a 3 1/2' - 4' plant that has a somewhat compact growing habit. Stunning garden plant.
(see in Florets Library)

Dahlia ‘Pink Pearl’
Wowzer! Everything you’re looking for in a blush, full, exquisitely formed, soft pink dahlia, you’ve got it here. Doesn’t need an elaborate arrangement. Just a vase, and she shines.
Move over Castle Drive, make room Peaches. Her…Pink Pearl!
Florists love them for wedding work! You’ll love them on your nightstand! A very special dahlia. Similar to Camano Zoe - only much larger!
Plant Height: 3 - 3.5 ' Bloom Size: 4.5 - 5"
Dahlia ‘Polka’
This unique novelty anemone type is a must have! There’s nothing else like it on the market!
Plants are smothered in long-stemmed flowers all season long. Blooms are both weather resistant & long lasting in the vase. Layers of creamy petals, streaked with cranberry encircle a large, fluffy golden centre. No two flowers are the same. Polka starts out as a blush bloom, before it develops the signature yellow heart with fine lining. Truly one-of-a kind and a favourite of mine.
(see in Florets Library)
For flower arranging these gems benefit from support by other stems in arrangement.

Dahlia ‘Pooh’
I have to admit to being smitten with this collarette - it is just plain cute & puts a dash of fun into floral work!
3 1/2" bright red-orange blooms outlined in bright yellow, with a yellow collar. Very prolific bloomer on a 4 1/2' plant. The pollinators love the open centres. Incredible garden colour and holds well as a cut flower too.
Dahlia ‘Preference’
Dahlia ‘Preference’ (1956) has stood the test of time!The 3-4” semi cactus blooms are the most gorgeous shade of shell pink to peachy salmon that are downright ethereal in the evening light. 4’ plant. Perfect size for bouquet work. Early bloomer. Mini semi-cactus with long straight dark stems, prolific bloomer.

Dahlia ‘Ryecroft Delight’
- Up to 4" (M)
- Ball (BA)
- Light Shade Blend (LB)

Dahlia ‘Ryecroft Jill’
Perfection! This was a tall grower here 5.5' with blooms approx 3.5" orange tones. A newer introduction from the UK.

Dahlia ‘Ryecroft Laura’
A perfect small yellow 3.5" ball - the perfect punctuation in the garden or arrangement.
ADS 6102 MB Y

Dahlia ‘Ryecroft Pixie’
ADS 3305 BB C DP
Seriously cute - gorgeous in bouquets and a winner for sure! Lovely shade of strawberry pink small 100-115mm cactus.
See at UK Halls of Heddon
She seems to make unattractive tubers but they produce beautiful blooms.