Dahlia Tubers available/in stock
Showing 1–12 of 14 results
2025 Dahlia ordering will be closing soon
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As varieties are sold out they are removed from this section. Thank you!

Dahlia -Mystery MIX – 5 tuber Grab Bag
With the Seeds of IMBOLC Mystery Bundle, you’ll get 5 wonderful tubers. Some are labelled, some aren’t, but all of them are healthy. These tubers are available in a discounted 5-pack and will bring you joy as you unwrap the surprise this summer — all different forms, varieties, and colours are a possibility! All the same beautiful varieties grown here.
Treat yourself or the flower lover in your life to a blooming surprise with a great variety of dahlias!
We also have Gift Certificates.

Dahlia ‘Camano Zoe’
An adorable variety with strong, upright growth and super-soft, blush-pink blooms. A weather-resistant variety, it makes an excellent choice for wedding work.
miniature ball, Bloom size: 2 to 3½"
ADS classification 6104 MB PK
(Florets Library)

Dahlia ‘Castle Drive’
Gorgeous, large, creamy pink blooms with a hint of yellow in the centre and long, sturdy stems on light green foliage. 5" blooms on a 4ft plant.
Always in demand with florists and great for weddings.

Dahlia ‘Cherish’
Soft buttercream 3" blooms with lilac veining and centers - one of those favourites that works well in any arrangement.
Cherish blends seamlessly - a great 'bridge' colour. Really makes a bouquet!
Compact 3' plant & produces good stems for cutting.
(seen in Florets Library)

Dahlia ‘Cornel’
Cornel is simply an amazing deep red ball type bloom. Fabulous as a cut flower.
Extremely popular and well earned! (see in Floret Flowers Library)
ADS 6007 BA DR

Dahlia ‘Evaline’
White flowers with brushed lavender edges & heart - stunning! Always in demand with florists and fabulous in wedding work.
Vigorous and productive, making plenty of beautiful long stemmed cut flowers. Stunning in bouquets! An attention getter at market.
4.5" blooms, plants 4.5'
ADS classification BB FD
(I see this variety listed in many places as Eveline but the ADS classification book it is EVALINE. By any means shes a keeper!)
shown with Marys Jomanda at the bottom of the pic

Dahlia ‘Ferncliff Spice’
A really unique blend of colours best described by "Spice" that you have to see to appreciate. Another beauty from Canadian Ferncliff Gardens.
Great variety that can be hard to find! A small/medium size 3-4" ball. 3.5 - 4' tall
American Dahlia Society (ADS) Classification: 6102 MB Y YL18
See pic - very similar colouring to CoseyTown Gale & Ryecroft Delight

Dahlia ‘Ivanetti’
4-5’ tall, strong stems. 3” perfect blooms One of the best dark varieties you can grow! Plants are loaded with rich, deep maroon blooms all season. Long, strong stems, and weather resistant flowers make them a fantastic cut.
A.D.S. 6009 BA PR 55 top wins in North America 2023 listed in ADS handbook
This ball shape dahlia with perfect rich tones of bright burgundy- merlot are the stems florists are asking for. The plant itself couldn't be more perfect.
Ivanetti is a sport of Cornel
(recommended by Erin at Floret)

Dahlia ‘Jeannie Leroux’
A beautiful lacinated variety!

Dahlia ‘Pinelands Princess’
short video of laciniated varieties (Pinelands Princess is the strawberry coloured one)
The romantic beauty of a fringed fimbriata or laciniated dahlia is perfectly illustrated by the soft tones of Pinelands Princess. The double bi-colour blooms have a deep creamy centre, and fine pointed petals are tipped with delicate pink.Some can be slightly darker.
Introduced from South Africa, these 5-6" blooms are a pink lavender that blends to white in the centre. Very full and lacy flowers grow on a 3 1/2' - 4' plant that has a somewhat compact growing habit. Stunning garden plant.
(see in Florets Library)

Dahlia ‘Pink Pearl’
Wowzer! Everything you’re looking for in a blush, full, exquisitely formed, soft pink dahlia, you’ve got it here. Doesn’t need an elaborate arrangement. Just a vase, and she shines.
Move over Castle Drive, make room Peaches. Her…Pink Pearl!
Florists love them for wedding work! You’ll love them on your nightstand! A very special dahlia. Similar to Camano Zoe - only much larger!
Plant Height: 3 - 3.5 ' Bloom Size: 4.5 - 5"