Amaranth ‘Emerald Tassels’


(Amaranthus caudatus) Long ropes of lime-green, trailing tassels add texture and combine beautifully with both bright and pastel colour palettes. Amaranth is easy to grow and is a great choice for beginning gardeners.
Fantastic colour and texture for fresh bouquets or large containers, gorgeous in wedding bouquets! When dried, the blooms turn from green to a light tan colour that works well in fall arrangements. Common names include amaranth and tassel flower. Fresh or dried cut flower, back of bed, accent in borders, and containers.


Transplant: Sow 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Barely cover seed. Bottom water or mist to avoid covering seeds with displaced soil. Harden off by growing at 62-65°F (17-18°C) and transplant outside after last frost.
Direct seed: After last frost, sow thinly, barely covering the seed. When seedlings have first true leaves, thin to 12-15″ apart.

Support may be necessary.

Harvest when the tassels begin to elongate and remove most of the foliage so the colourful ropes are more visible. Harvest when seed has begun to set and flowers feel firm to the touch. To dry, stand upright in a bucket or other tall container to maintain the draped appearance. A vase life of 7-10 days can be expected.

High in protein and fiber. Leaves can be harvested as a vegetable.Grains can be heated until they pop, much like corn kernels.

annual, Height: 36-60”,  full sun, Days to maturity: 65-75 days, Plant spacing: 12 – 15″, Pinch: when 12” tall

Approx seeds per packet: 100


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