Fennel ‘Bronze Leaf’


Foeniculum vulgare dulce ‘Rubrum’  Elegant, copper lacy foliage bursts with delightful anise flavour & aroma.
Perennial. Host for the Swallowtail butterfly, long lasting, fragrant filler in bouquets. Ebible, tasting like anise (leaves and seeds) & medicinal. What more could you ask for?!
Similar in appearance to dill. The smokey bronze colour contrasting beautifully with the mustard yellow bloomsAn aromatic herb that attracts beneficial insects!
If you follow author/flower farmer/florist Georgie Newbury at Common Farm Flowers in England you will know this is one of her favourite fillers too!


Seeds can be used in savoury baking while leaves can add flavour to soups, salads and vegetables. A common component in Indian garam malsala and Chinese five-spice powder. The seeds are often brewed into a tea that aids digestion, and if that were not enough, it is an invaluable host plant for the larval stages of the black swallowtail butterfly. Has been highly regarded since ancient times, especially as a digestive aid, stimulating appetite and digestive enzymes as well as relieving gas. Used as a flavouring in cough remedies, as it helps calm coughs. May be used to increase milk flow to breastfeeding mothers.

Emerging in spring a gorgeous eye catching foliage coppery-red & maturing to a bronzey/purple, feathery and aromatic, smelling of anise. Umbels of tiny, bright greenish-yellow flowers,  produce seeds that are easily self-sown by the plant. Non bulbing type

Grow in well-drained soils. Self sows. Perennial Zone: 4 -10, Size: 4.5-6′ h x 1.5-3′ w,  Full sun, Rich, moist, well-drained soil

Direct seed (recommended) – Sow as soon as possible in the spring after the last frost. Sow seeds 1/8” deep,seeds need to be covered to germinate. 1/4- 1/2″ apart, in rows at least 3″ apart. It is not necessary to thin for leaf harvest but can thin later to 4-6″ apart if larger plants are desired.

Starting Indoors: Start indoors in late winter. Keep at 55-65°F. Disturbing the roots can cause bolting so take care with transplants.
Days To Maturity 50 – 60 Days
The genus name Foeniculum is Latin, and in Italian the plant is referred to as finocchio.

approx 100 seeds


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