Tomato – ‘Opalka’ Heirloom Paste


My favourite paste tomato! Meaty with few seeds and unlike most common paste tomatoes, ‘Opalka’ actually has a good flavour, making sauces and pastes even better. Expect great yields of 3×5″ massive, solid bull’s horn–shaped red fruits with dry texture. Dries well. While some tomatoes falter during hot dry spells, Opalka produces consistently.

This heirloom tomato is amazing to behold and difficult to find. If you grow tomatoes for paste, this is the one. Polish heirloom brought by the Opalka family to Amsterdam, NY, around 1900. A shy seed producer, it consistently gets dropped for that reason by commercial enterprises, so we’re happy to be able to offer it!

Approx 25 seeds

(82 days) Open-pollinated. Indeterminate


The red fruits reach up to 6″ long, elongated, tapering to blunt or sometimes pointed tips.

Tips- Plant in fertile soil, amended with compost, mulch and provide even moisture. Plant deeper than they were growing in the containers as it makes a stronger roots system. Do not apply excessive nitrogen, which can promote excessive foliage and poor fruit set.

Approx 25 seeds

(82 days) Open-pollinated. Indeterminate


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