Tall, well-branched, heat-loving plants produce armloads of blooms. Bronze to chestnut-coloured plumes are ideal for autumn bouquets and bunches. Pinching out the centre (apical) bud is recommended for optimum branching. Also known as amaranth. Ht. 40–48″.
DAYS TO GERMINATION: 7-10 days at 70-75°F (21-24°C), Support may be necessary
Transplant: Sow 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Barely cover seed. Bottom water or mist to avoid covering seeds with displaced soil. Harden off by growing at 62-65°F (17-18°C) and transplant outside after last frost.
Direct seed: After last frost, sow thinly, barely covering the seed. When seedlings have first true leaves, thin to 12-15″ apart.
Prefers full Sun & well-drained soil, SPACING: 12-15″. Annual.
HARVEST: Fresh: Harvest when at least 3/4 of the flowers on the inflorescence are open. Remove most of the foliage so the colorful spikes are more visible. Expect a vase life of 7 days.
Dried: Harvest when seed has begun to set and flowers feel firm to the touch. To dry, hang nontrailing varieties upside down.
USES: Fresh or dried cut flower, back of bed, accent in borders, and containers. EDIBLE: Amaranth is edible, seeds and leaves.
approx 100 seeds
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