C. spicata branches with many strong stems to form a bushy but open, upright plant up to 2 feet wide and 3 or more feet tall. Annual here in zone 5 or short-lived perennial (zones 9-11); flowers are visited by bees, wasps, butterflies, and occasionally hummingbirds.
I originally received this seed called C. ‘Pampas Plume’ but I do not think it is. It seems more to me a “C. spicata’ so have named it such. The pictures are mine and exactly what this mix looks like.
Start seed indoors in trays 4-6 weeks before last frost; transplant out after all danger of frost has passed. Do not cover as light is required for germination. Direct seed only in locations with a long growing season. Thin to 6-12″ apart. Pinching is not necessary, but is recommended. Blooms from mid-summer to late-fall.
They thrive in hot and dry conditions. Flower heads get bigger over time, so pick when they are the size that you want, but before they go to seed. Strip 80 percent of the foliage off during harvest. Long lasting cut flower often lasting over 2 weeks.To Dry: Hang freshly cut stems upside down in a warm, dark place for 2-3 weeks or until they are firm to the touch.(especially spikes 2-3” long; longer spikes often do not hold up as well).
Entire plant is edible, including the leaves, stems, and flowers. Leaves & young stems can be used like to spinach or other leafy greens, flowers add a unique, colourful touch to dishes. Rich in vitamins & minerals, including vitamin C & potassium. Contains antioxidants -has been used in traditional medicine for anti-inflammatory properties.
Zone 2-10. 90-100 days. Ht. 33-48”, Open Pollinated annual
Approx. 100 Seeds
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