Tanacetum parthenium
Transplant (recommended) – Sow 5-7 weeks before transplanting in either spring or fall. Gently press the seeds into growing medium, but do not cover as light aids germination.
hardy annual/tender perennial, 24 to 32″, full sun, Days to maturity 100 to 110 days, Plant spacing: 9″, not necessary to pinch
Feverfew is a long-day plant, meaning flowering is generally initiated during the longest days of the season. Plants will eventually bloom under short-day conditions but on shorter stems.
Harvest when one-quarter to one-half of the flowers on a spray are open. Dried: harvest when flower cluster is almost fully open.
Notorious for making their water dark and murky overnight, even with floral preservative. To combat this, add a few drops of bleach to the water. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days.
Approx seeds per packet: 50
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