Foxglove Mix


Stately Digitalis purpurea, also known as foxglove, has tall stunning spikes of tubular flowers. The long-stemmed flowers are good for cutting and drying. This old fashioned mix is a beautiful blend of  lavender-blush, pink and white spires with freckled throats, as well as some pure white.  Stunning in the garden and when arranged en masse.

*All parts of the plants are poisonous if ingested. Wear gloves when harvesting and use caution around children and pets. The purchaser assumes all liability relating to the use of this product.*


Sow seeds from late spring to early summer and plant seedlings in the garden at least 6 weeks before your first autumn frost. Plants will winter over in the garden and bloom the following spring.

Surface sow 8-10 weeks before planting out, requires light to germinate & temps approx 18 C (60-65F)

Biennial, plants will flower 2nd year then die but often reseed themselves. Height: 48-72”, part sun/shade, Days to maturity: 330-360 days, Plant spacing: 12”-24″, Pinch: not necessary

Foxgloves do not like heat or drought and will languish in unfavourable conditions. Water deeply & often. Afternoon shade in hot summers.

The trick to getting the longest vase life from foxglove is to cut it before the bees find it. When the blooms are pollinated they drop from the stems, so  harvest early when just a few blossoms are open. Expect a vase life of 6-8 days if flower preservative is used.

*All parts of the plants are poisonous if ingested. Wear gloves when harvesting and use caution around children and pets.*The purchaser assumes all liability relating to the use of this product

Approx seeds per packet: 200