Poppy ‘Drama Queen’


Drama Queen Poppy Papaver somniferum
A flamboyant beauty, ‘Drama Queen’ has rich purple and violet-red blooms in spring and early summer.
Annual/self-seeds  Open Pollinated | Heirloom
3’ tall plant. 4-5” blooms with irregular pointy fringes – dramatic!
min 50 seeds


Breadseed poppies are easy to grow and make a wonderful addition to any garden & will self seed when happy!

Annual, Height: 36-48”,  full sun, Days to maturity: 80-90 days, Plant spacing: 9”  Resent transplanting and do best when direct sown.

The blooms are not particularly long-lasting as cut flowers,  lasting just 2-3 days in the vase if you’re lucky. Harvest when flowers are half open, and sear the bottom end in boiling water for 7-10 seconds. Seedpods can be dried and used indefinitely or used fresh in bouquets.

min 50 seeds

See Blog Post all about Poppies!