Delphinium Mix

(2 customer reviews)


There is nothing quite like a stand of stately Delphiniums to behold! and the hummingbirds love them too! Fresh or dried fantastic in floral arrangements!  They hold their colour well when dried. 150+cm, 4-6′ tall
This stunning mix provides many different colours, light & dark blue, purple & bi coloured tones.with black or white “bees” ( the middle part of the flower).
An excellent cut flower and will attract bees and butterflies to your pollinator garden.



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There is nothing quite like a stand of stately Delphiniums to behold! and the hummingbirds love them too! Fresh or dried fantastic in floral arrangements! They hold their colour well when dried.

Often seen gracing the back borders of English cottage gardens, an excellent cut flower and will attract bees and butterflies to your pollinator garden. This stunning mix provides many different colours, light & dark blue, purple & bi coloured tones.with black or white “bees” ( the middle part of the flower) These are very tall and do require staking.

The plant is tall, gracious and laden with many flowers, each sporting usually five petal-like sepals surrounding a hollow pocket with a spur at the end (perhaps the source of its common name, larkspur).

Seed is great for winter sowing. Fresh seed sown in flats get a head start on the following season also. Keep seeds moist and cool before planting. (a damp paper towel in a baggie in the fridge works well) Grow from seed sown early indoors and transplant outside after frost.  Space plants 12-18″ apart. Sow seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before last spring frost.  Sow 1/8 inch deep in seed-starting formula. Keep the soil moist & warm if early spring sowing.  Seedlings emerge in 21-28 days. Seed benefits from refrigeration for a couple of weeks in a moist growing medium or moist paper towel to aid germination or winter sow.

Careful watering is essential in getting delphinium perennials off to a good start. Water thoroughly at least once a week to help new roots grow down deeply.

150+cm, 4-6′ tall

HARVEST: 1/4 to 1/3 of flowers on stem are open. Place immediately in water. Plants bloom again in late summer and early fall if cut back immediately after the first bloom.

I find morning sun with some dappled afternoon shade is the perfect spot.. Zones 3-7.  A short-lived perennial, generally only lasting 3 seasons. open pollinated. Keep watered in dry spells.

approx 100 seeds

All parts of this plant are poisonous, including the seeds. Exercise extreme caution around children and pets. The purchaser assumes all liability relating to the use of this product.


2 reviews for Delphinium Mix

  1. Emily

    I’m in love with these seeds! I started the Delphinium Mix seed from Seeds of Imbolc the same time as seeds from other businesses, and these beauties germinated quickly! These were also the only seeds to germinate at all. Now these plant babies are growing so quickly with huge healthy leaves. I cannot wait to plant them out our flower field this spring!

    • Kat

      So happy to hear! Some have trouble germinating delphiniums – any secrets you have to share? 🙂

  2. M.A. (verified owner)

    Germination was excellent with this Delphinium Mix and the plants grew very well. We’re looking forward to enjoying their dreamy blooms.

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