BEAN SEED (Pole & Bush types)
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I am dedicated to helping create a high-quality Canadian seed supply, I do not resell seed. All my seed is grown here with regenerative growing methods, chemical free. I am a small conscientious grower doing my best to be the change I wish to see! thank you for your support Canada!

Bean – ‘Marvel of Venice’ yellow pole bean
54 days. Sweet, flat, yellow beans are ready to pick early in the season and continue to produce until frost. This Italian heirloom has 20-24 cm. long, 2 cm. wide beans on vigorous vines. It is really early, producing lots of delicious, tender, yellow wax beans. They are beautiful, flat, long beans with a rich buttery flavour. Minimum of 30 seeds per packet.

Bean ‘Sadies Horse’ Runner
A beautiful heirloom runner with huge beans have to be seen to be believed! - a gorgeous mix of colors including pink mottled black, lavender mottled brown and pure white. The vigorous vines are covered in a mix of white and almost fluorescent orange/red flowers all summer long and also attracts hummingbirds. Simply breathtaking! (110 days for dried beans) Pole.
approx 15 seeds per packet. Runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus)

Bean ‘Sunset’ Runner
Beautiful peach-pink blossoms are one of a kind! Attractive enough for flower gardens or patios, but this one is in a class by itself with luminous peach to shell-pink blossoms - absolutely unique! Vines to 6' (2m) or so, covered with cascades of runner bean pods, equally wonderful whether used as snaps fresh, canned or frozen, or as shell beans. Can also be used as a dry bean. Lovely!
60-70 days
approx 15 large seeds

Bean ‘Trionfo Violetto’ Pole Bean
Translated from Italian, this bean's name means "purple triumph", and this Italian heirloom will surely win you over! This treasure is a crisp, flavorful treat & highly ornamental. Abundant lavender flowers bloom against lush green foliage with a hint of burgundy that almost seems to be applied with a water-color brush. All of this accented against slender, dark stems, and long, thin, purple beans that are delicious fresh off the vine! It is so pretty you may want to grow it even if you don’t eat a single bean!
Stunning, prolific, and delicious!
Read about growing beans in my blog post here.

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