Peas, Cucs & Other Edibles
Showing 13–15 of 15 results

Pea ‘Amplissimo Viktoria Ukrainskaya’
Ukrainian heirloom
a.k.a. the "Garbanzo pea of the North"
A pea to substitute for climates where it is difficult to grow chickpeas because of short springs and hot summers. Makes delicious hummus, curries, you name it! These peas hold their shape after cooking just like chickpeas!

Pea ‘Swedish Red ‘
(Pisum sativum); aka Biskopens gråært, Bishop's Grey, Bishop's Greypea, Bishop's Red; Heirloom; Climbing pea; Dry pea;Scandinavian heirloom
These rare Scandinavian heirloom climbing peas are very tall and later flowering than my other varieties. Dry use. They bloom prolifically so great for use as tendrils, cut flowers and ornamental uses as well as totally edible! Unusual claret-coloured seeds turn chocolate brown on cooking.
see below for more info!
Approx 25 seeds

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