Ammobium alatum (Winged everlasting)


Prolific 1/2- 3/4″ papery, silvery-white flowers mature to reveal a sunny centre. The tiny blooms make elegant boutonnieres and floral crowns. Pretty in the garden with a long life as a cut flower. Clusters of small daisy like flowers and unique ribbed or ‘winged’ stems.
Fresh or Dried use


Transplant (recommended) – Sow 5-6 weeks before the last frost. Cover seed lightly. Direct sow: sow seeds on soil surface after the last frost. Cover only lightly with soil as seeds need light to germinate. Harden off and transplant after the risk of frost has passed.

20-26″ H, PLANT SPACING: 6-9″, Zones 9-10, Light well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5.

Well-drained, sandy, or loamy soil with a slightly acidic pH (5.5-6.5). Enrich beds with compost before planting. Avoid over-watering; well drained soil is key to avoid root rot. Day neutral, likely flowers better under long days; needs full sun to thrive.

Fresh or Dried – Hang to dry. Expect approximately 10 stems per plant – harvest when the flowers are half open, but before the yellow centers are showing. Flowers will continue to open both in the vase if used fresh, or as they dry. It takes 70-80 days from planting to flower. If being used fresh, cut stems should immediately be placed into cool water (strip lower leaves off) and kept somewhere cool and out of the sun to hydrate. Expect a vase life of 7-10 days – the use of a floral conditioner is not absolutely necessary but may help to maximize vase life.

Pinching is not necessary, as stems rise from a low rosette of leaves (similar to statice).

Excellent cut or dried flower. Beds and borders.

Approx 50 seeds