Eryngium  – Sea Holly
Eryngium – Sea Holly
Eryngium planum, commonly called sea holly, is a remarkable clump-forming perennial that features a summer bloom of steel-blue, thistle-like flower heads on branched stems rising from a rosette of dark green basal leaves. Attracts pollinators!  Stiff, branched, violet-blue stems (to 32” tall), bearing abundant, egg-shaped, thistle-like, violet-blue flower heads, rise from each basal rosette in summer. Each flower head is a spherical-cylindrical umbel that is packed with tiny, stemless, violet-blue flowers.  Summer bloom is often profuse.
Excellent for cut or dried flower arrangements.
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Fennel ‘Bronze Leaf’
Fennel ‘Bronze Leaf’
Foeniculum vulgare dulce 'Rubrum'  Elegant, copper lacy foliage bursts with delightful anise flavour & aroma.
Perennial. Host for the Swallowtail butterfly, long lasting, fragrant filler in bouquets. Ebible, tasting like anise (leaves and seeds) & medicinal. What more could you ask for?!
Similar in appearance to dill. The smokey bronze colour contrasting beautifully with the mustard yellow bloomsAn aromatic herb that attracts beneficial insects!
If you follow author/flower farmer/florist Georgie Newbury at Common Farm Flowers in England you will know this is one of her favourite fillers too!
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Feverfew -Matricaria
Feverfew -Matricaria
Matricaria, also known as feverfew, botanical name Tanacetum parthenium, is very cheerful, prolific branching flower, excellent as a filler in bouquets!
Long, strong stems that support abundant, 1/2–1" daisy like blooms with yellow disks and white petals. Easy to grow and harvest.
Feverfew is believed to aid digestion, and lower blood pressure. There is some scientific evidence that drinking feverfew tea, or adding a few fresh leaves leaves to a sandwich everyday, can for some people, reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches.
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Feverfew ‘MALMESBURY’ (Tanacetum parthenium)
Feverfew ‘MALMESBURY’ (Tanacetum parthenium)
These curious propeller-like flowers produce stubby white tubular petals which surround the yellow disc on this unique and unusual form which produce a shimmering effect when wind moves them. The name derives from Malmesbury in Wiltshire where it was found by Martin Cragg-Barber of the Natural Selection nursery. Matricaria, also known as feverfew, botanical name Tanacetum parthenium, is very cheerful, prolific branching flower, excellent as a filler in bouquets! Reminds me of little cogwheels and is a stunning bouquet filler!
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Feverfew Magic Lime Green
Feverfew Magic Lime Green
One of my favourite bouquet fillers and gorgeous in the garden too!  Actually a soft creamy yellow—the colour of fresh buttermilk. Sprays of miniature domes like mini chrysanthemums. Branching habit.
Easy to grow and harvest. Tender or short-lived perennial in Zones 5–9.
(in Florets Library)
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Figwort  (Scrophularia nodosa)
Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa)
Figwort is a hardworking perennial herb that will flower the first year from seed if started early.  Great for medicinal use, cut flower filler and pollinator magnet! Recommended by Erin at Floret
Branching plants produce an abundance of long stems smothered in rather inconspicuous, chocolate and green hoodlike blooms, similar to snapdragons, which ripen into egg-shaped seed capsules and those seed pods are just the perfect bouquet filler for interest and movement!
Figworts are among the most prolific nectar producers in the plant world! A favourite of hummingbirds & many pollinators.
See below for more!
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Foxglove Mix
Foxglove Mix
Stately Digitalis purpurea, also known as foxglove, has tall stunning spikes of tubular flowers. The long-stemmed flowers are good for cutting and drying. This old fashioned mix is a beautiful blend of  lavender-blush, pink and white spires with freckled throats, as well as some pure white.  Stunning in the garden and when arranged en masse.
*All parts of the plants are poisonous if ingested. Wear gloves when harvesting and use caution around children and pets. The purchaser assumes all liability relating to the use of this product.*
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Lupin Mix
Lupin Mix
A member of the pea family, Lupins are a wonderful old-fashioned flower, with spires of blue, yellow, pink, purple, white, peach and bicolours.. Although they are perennials, lupins are in the class of short-lived perennials. They put all their energy into those magnificent flower stalks and wear themselves out in the effort. Lupins live in the range of two to five years, but luckily they will self seed and the butterflies and bumblebees will love you.
*All parts of this plant are poisonous, including the seeds. Exercise extreme caution around children and pets. The purchaser assumes all liability relating to the use of this product.
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Lychnis Chalcedonica – ‘Dawn Sky’
Lychnis Chalcedonica – ‘Dawn Sky’
Loving this Dusky pink Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica "Dawn Sky")  Hardy fuss free & beautiful in a vase & in the garden Apricot-pink flower clusters bloom in early to mid-summer. (usually beginning of July here)
A rare heirloom, given old names such as Nonesuch and Mock Sweet William, it is a hardy survivor. Easy and pest free, it's showy grown in masses in the cottage garden. This could be the ‘pale red’ variation of the traditional bright scarlet maltese cross that was mentioned in Curtis’s Botanical Magazine in 1794.
Perennial Zone: 4,5,6,7,8
approx 75+ seeds
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Lychnis coronaria aka Rose Campion
Lychnis coronaria aka Rose Campion
Circa 1828 - Mounds of silvery-green/grey, woolly stems and foliage with neon magenta flowers! What more could you ask of a flower???
Great as a cut flower!
A beloved old plant once called Mullein Pink and Lamp Flower, as the felted leaves once were used in the making of wicks. Its brilliant magenta colouring is electric in combination with the silver-gray leaves on branching stems. An easy to grow, long-blooming and low maintenance short-lived perennial or biennial. Most plants do not survive harsh winters after flowering but it does readily self seed to perpetuate a planting. Despite its short life span, it is certainly worth growing.
See more below...
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Nicotiana – Flowering Tobacco ‘Grandiflora’
Nicotiana – Flowering Tobacco ‘Grandiflora’
Nicotiana alata One of the most fragrant flowers! This stunning plant is a must-have for every gardener and is ideal for the mixed border. Flowering for many months, it fills the air with a sweet, jasmine-like scent. Showy white flowers open during the cool of the evening with oblong shaped leaves and an erect branching form. Hummingbird moth magnet! aka Jasmine tobacco produces tall, graceful stems of pale, nodding flowers with starry faces. Its soft, sweet perfume peaks at dusk on warm nights; their pale, luminous flowers often open in the evening, so tuck plants near a window to get their Jasmine-like perfume indoors.
Recommended variety by Erin at Floret.  
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Nicotiana rustica ‘Aztec Flowering Tobacco’ 
Nicotiana rustica ‘Aztec Flowering Tobacco’ 
Nicotiana rustica  This broad-leaved plant is quite unassuming until it shoots up thick stems loaded with acid green bell-shaped blooms. The versatile colour works with nearly every colour palette and the tall stems are a perfect filler for large-scale arrangements and pollinators seem to like them too.
Bouquet approved by Erin B at Floret!
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