Ornamental Edibles
Showing 25–29 of 29 results

Poppy ‘Drama Queen’
Drama Queen Poppy Papaver somniferum
A flamboyant beauty, 'Drama Queen' has rich purple and violet-red blooms in spring and early summer.
Annual/self-seeds Open Pollinated | Heirloom 3’ tall plant. 4-5” blooms with irregular pointy fringes - dramatic!
min 50 seeds

Poppy ‘Giganthemum ‘ Giant Pods
Papaver somniferum. The very largest poppy flowers appear in early summer, (see short video) followed by the very largest seed heads which are stunning in arrangements. The huge seed head is chock full of edible poppy seeds for baking. This is an easy plant to grow, but you'll want to give it some room in full sun, in soil that is well drained and not too fertile. Direct sow the tiny seeds on the surface of the soil and keep the area moist until germination. They need light to germinate. The massive flower stems grow 90-120cm (36-48") tall, topped by flowers around 10cm (4") across. Bees love these!
approx 100 seeds

Poppy ‘Pink Blush’
Indescribably elegant Papaver somniferum var. lacinatum is superb in the flower border, with lush, frilled, softest blush of pink, often palm-sized blooms. An ethereal shade of pale, inside-the-shell light pink! Beauties!

Silverleaf Mountain-mint
Pycnanthemum incanum Perennial (hardy in zones 5-8)
Perennial (hardy in zones 5-8) Commonly called hoary mountain mint & native to eastern North America with striking fragrant silvery-white upper leaves and white/lavender spotted flowers in late summer.This herb is an excellent honey plant and food source for bees, butterflies, and moths.
It was literally covered in pollinators!
Now endangered in Ontario, Vermont and New Hampshire, planting seeds will help this beautiful native plant recover and flourish. Will thrive in most garden soils in full sun or part shade. Will tolerate dry better than most mints. Ht. 90cm/3ft.
approx 100 seeds