
The Black Pearl is a stunning ornamental pepper plant! So beautiful that All America Selections (AAS) awarded it for its beauty in 2006.

I love to use these in floral arrangements.

Don’t let the term “ornamental” fool you; these are edible hot peppers with a surprising pop of heat (10,000 to 30,000 Scoville heat units) with a light citrusy-sweet flavour.

Approx 15 seeds


Black Pearl delivers true black leaves to the full sun garden and the plant blooms beautiful purple flowers, producing more clusters of .5 – 1″ black, pearl-like, shiny peppers. Heat level about 4 -12x hotter than a jalapeño.The black peppers turn a jewel tone red when fully mature.

The unripened onyx-black chilies tend to be at the lower end of that scale, while the ripened crimson red peppers spike the needle.

Effective background plant with silver, white or pastel flowering annuals in the foreground.

It performs exceptionally well in containers exceptionally heat-tolerant and requires minimal water and fertilizer.

I find most hot pepper seed takes awhile to germinate so start early 8-12 weeks before transplanting outside when nights are warm.

Plant seeds ¼” deep. Seeds can take awhile to germinate – up to 2+ wks.   Harden off before planting in the garden. Allow for 1′ between plants and 3′ between rows.